Here are 20 intriguing unusual and otherwise brain-tickling facts about the three major movies to date. He came up with the concept for the scene-stealers on the first Despicable. Funny Minion Quotes Funny Minion Memes Minion Jokes The language minions speak is a mix of French English Italian and Spanish with a bit of Korean and Russian thrown in. . 21 Minions have one purpose in life seek out and serve the most despicable master they can find 22 Minions accidently helped to kill Dracula Genghis Kahn Napolean and even the T Rex 23 Minions love to sing. There were really only 7 well-known main and notable minions that names are mentioned by Gru and has a big part which are. The Minions language may sound like Gibberish but each word in Minionese translates to an Actual word. They are crazy and so cross-dressing is one of. Evil minions are purple because purple and yellow are on opposite sides of the color spectrum. Minions ...